This was on the news in our city today, apparently the Spirit Halloween Store is a little too much for some people. This kind of thing seems to happen quite often around here. All I can tell them is that if their kids are scared of the Spirit store, they might want to avoid my house on Halloween, and the nights leading up to it. I loved reading the comments some of the people left.
"There aren't any plans at this time to put up a warning sign. The store is only open for two more weeks."
I would think the sign outside would be warning enough...

...but that's just me.
See more SCARY stuff at
Parents should know their own child's level of discomfort at scary things and use discretion when they take them anywhere, much less take them into a store that, like you say, has that really scary sign right outside!
But SH stores probably should put up a sign to protect themselves from lawsuits, since it does seem like so many people are looking for something to be offended by.
You know some parent will eventually say their child was damaged by being dragged into that store and will try to get a few million for it.
Are people REALLY that stoopid?
ha! you know, nothing surprises me anymore in this country.... 'nuff said...
Where are my eyes? Oh there they are, they've rolled back so far in my head they've stuck and now I'm looking at my brain.
Dio's right, parents should know their kid's comfort level before going in. It's a Halloween store with a reaching grim reaper as its mascot, what did they expect, Hello Kitty?!
Next they will put caution, this is hot on coffee containers. Oh wait.... facepalm :'(
It's just a publicity stunt. Just like haunted houses will sometimes say a church is asking people not to go see the haunt.
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