I gave the scarecrow that I have used in the past to a friend of mine who has her own yard haunt, planning on making another one before Halloween. Doesn't look like that's going to happen, so I will just have a plain old sign this year. Here's about what it will look like. I think I like it, but I'm still not sure.

Dimly lit, perhaps a small LED spot?
I have a couple of lanterns with flame bulbs in them I might use. I was thinking that tiki torches would have been awesome, but it's a little too close to where people will be walking for those.
I love it!! It looks great in my yard! Yes, I'm the new owner of Grim's scarecrow! I've gotten many comments on it along with the two ghosts & groundbreakers! The look great in my haunt. Can't wait for you to stop by at night!
Thanks again!! Owner of the "Haunted Trail"!!
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