Thursday, November 1, 2012


Couldn't resist using these guys again...


  1. definitely one of my favorites as well! Such a great shot of some beautiful work.

  2. Found this on flickr!

  3. Ha! That's a pretty cool picture! I don't know who took it... That's my wife standing there in the costume. :)

    Thanks for sending that to me!

  4. Hello Grim,
    Our front yard has been getting more elaborate over the years, but we this year we're planning on building some props, thank you for your helpful blog! I am curious how you made those lantern jars? I can see the rope part, but what did you use to make them look so cool?

  5. They are pretty easy... I usually just lightly mist some tan or brown spray paint on the outside to give them that "frosty" look and take away any shine that they have, then slosh some darker colored acrylic paint on the inside. If I could just find a way to keep the candles lit a little easier. Mine tend to blow out quite a bit throughout the night.

  6. Thanks for the tip! I've been playing around with different paints, Glue All, and food coloring trying some different things on each jar, but haven't been able to get them looking like yours do. We want to hang ours a little high, so we don't want to have to light them every night - that would be a huge pain. We are going to give these flameless candles a try, they have a built in 6 hour timer and one reviewer said they colored the candle tip with an orange sharpie to get the color right.
